Play Therapy
We believe that all children deserve the opportunity to thrive. Our Play Therapy sessions allow children to process their emotions and resolve stress and trauma in a loving environment that allows them to simply be children. Through the healing power of play, a child's nervous system can find a state of regulation, creating more ease and harmony.
As child psychologist, James L. Hymes, Jr. says, “Play is thinking time for young children. It is language time. Problem-solving time. It is memory time, planning time, investigating time. It is organization-of-ideas time, when the young child uses his mind and body and his social skills and all his powers in response to the stimuli he has met.”
Play therapy allows the child to express and process difficult emotions in the child’s most natural form of self-expression, play. Through the supported play in a safe space with the therapist, children can express and integrate emotional stresses and traumatic experiences. As these experiences are processed and worked through in the therapeutic setting, children gain a sense of empowerment and obtain the tools to cope with future stresses that may arise
How we work with you
As your child's play therapist, our role is to provide a safe, nurturing and validating environment in which children are free to play as they wish. Through therapeutic play, metaphors emerge and feelings arise that represent the emotional struggles the child is internally experiencing. As these struggles (fear, anger, frustration, sadness, loss, etc.) are expressed and processed with the support of the play therapist, healing begins. We support children to develop tools and confidence to be able to handle their stressors in healthy, effective ways.
Each session consists of 45-minutes of Play Therapy for the child.
We also provide regular 15 minute check-in phone calls after the child’s sessions.
One of the unique attributes of our practice is that we provide one on one parenting support regularly after children's Play Therapy sessions. During this time we discuss what your child worked on in session and you will update us on how things are going at home. We will provide tools and strategies for supporting your child’s process, helping them through challenging moments and amplifying the good. We strive to foster a collaborative approach to a child’s health and well being throughout this process.
Research shows that Play therapy is highly effective
for children experiencing
• Trauma​
• High Sensitivity
• Neurodivergence
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Behavioral Challenges
• Impulsivity
• Adoption
• Separation Anxiety
• Grief and Loss
• Social Adjustment
• Sleep Disturbances
• Divorce or Separation